Anyways, life goes on…
My son got Undaunted: Normandy and Undaunted:Reinforcements for Christmas and we played a bunch of that. Great game.
My Oathmark Elf Cavalry arrived and I built those.
Like all Oathmark plastic kits, they are well made and easy to assemble.
I also built my Goblin Slaves. I also finished another 2 boxes of undead. 30 Skeletons and 30 revenants.
Next I built 3 4ground houses.
I also got the Century: Big Box and we played that. Very similar feel to Splendor which we enjoy mightily.
I also jumped in head first to HeroQuest and picked up all the expansions. My youngest son and I have almost finished the quests from the core box.
I also decided to start gaming a Very British Civil War (because I need another era to game in). Thankfully I already had this platoon of Footsore Miniatures Early War Scotsmen.
I primed them, painted the kilts and hats blue (base colour for Black Watch Tartan -wtf am I thinking) I also painted the webbing green, and all the black and brown bits (boots, scabbard, rifle). All that’s left is the skin, hair and metal bits.
In the end of March we attended Holyead. Southwest Ontario’s premier gaming convention. It’s in its 29th year. Saw a lot of friends and played 4 games.
The first (Friday night) was a WWI game set in Africa in 1914. Rules were modified 1 hour skirmish Wargames. GM Dan Hutter runs a well oiled table.

Saturday AM my youngest played a game for all ages but meant for kids. Wooden soldiers and armed teddy bears and frogs. Great way to introduce youth to the hobby.
Saturday AM my youngest played a game for all ages but meant for kids. Wooden soldiers and armed teddy bears and frogs. Great way to introduce youth to the hobby.
I also hit the bring and buy pretty heavily. I sold about $255 worth of old rule sets and codexes and some plastic figures I’m not going to use.
I purchased some interesting things. I did have a bit of buyers remorse though. I was debating buying two full painted Afrika Korps armies (one infantry based and the other vehicle based). Instead I bought painted 3D printed Battletech mechs that were printed to a larger scale (my kids and I played Gamma Wolves with those mechs last year and they loved it). I bought the mechs for them but they didn’t seem to impressed with them this year. I should’ve just bought the Africa Korps for myself then.
I also picked up a larger river (6 pieces) and a set of 4 fields from an estate sale.
I came out slightly ahead all in all. Then blew the earnings and then some on some 3D printed vehicles for VBCW.
Saturday afternoon, my eldest had a nap so I brought the youngest down for a game of Speedfreaks! Think Gaslands using GW Ork vehicles and rules. Last year we placed a paltry 2nd place. This year we took home the cup.
Saturday evening, after his nap, my oldest joined us for a game of silly hats. Back of beyond somewhere in Warlord China. White and red Russians, Mongols and various Chinese factions all vying for the hand of a Warlords daughter. Another Dan Hutter masterpiece.
All in all, quite a busy three months. We played a game yesterday but I plan to cover that later this week.
Cheers everyone!