It was a one day affair at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 126. Entry was $10.00 but came with a Ltd Edition Pulp Figures Native American warrior.
I brought my dad and we ended up being later than I would have liked meaning all the 2pm game slots were full.
It was a smaller convention (4 vendors) and maybe 40 players when I arrived.
I saw two friends from the Lead Adventure Forum, Dave (chairface) and Pete (sterling moose).
Dave kindly let my father and I play on his wonderful In Her Majesty's Name table against himself and another gentleman named Barry. We each had 1 rifle company and had to get a single figure across the enemy's deployment zone.
My troops hiding, I mean deploying behind a mausoleum.
Overview of the table. Dad's forces in bottom left. Dave's top left (unseen), Barry's forces top right (unseen).
I run some troopers down the alley whilst Barry's take cover, preparing for a melee.
Dave takes a run through the centre of town. Dad's troops (by buildings) attempt to shoot at them but miss. I've moved some figures near mausoleum and also miss my shots.
Meanwhile, I continue my advance and get blocked in by Barry's troops. Combat ensues in a stalemate.
Dave continues advancing and my troops move into combat to stop their advance. But I am outnumbered.