Needless to say lots has happened.
1) Zombicide Black Plague and Wolfsburg expansion with all the Kickstarter exclusives have arrived and I've managed to get several games in with friends.
Pros: New scenarios, weapons and characters in a medieval setting
Cons: Same old zombicide mechanics...starting to get a tad boring.
Also picked up a micro game called Roll With It. Fantastic!
2) Purchased a whack of Copplestone Back of Beyond Chinese when Northstar acquired distribution rights and had nice discount going.
3) My Art Club painted some Reaper Bones Orcs and Skeletons and build rivers and medieval cottages. Some real talent among the group. I've learned that working with youth is both extremely rewarding but can be frustrating too. They don't all have the communication skills to say, I have an exam to study for, I can't make it today.
4) I've painted seven (7) figures since the last post. I'm elated! I have not painted a total of seven figures over the last 3 years.
5) Related to purchasing of item #2 and results of item #4, I've entered an Army Painter "competition". Basically, I'm required to paint 5-30 figures per month for 6 months to complete an army. What am I thinking?
6) I picked up some triangular shaped Army Painter brushes from Meeple Mart and REALLY seem to like the grip better then the usual round ones. Maybe that has helped me stay motivated?
Hopefully I can stay more regular and keep updating this blog especially with my Army Painter project underway.