Wednesday, 22 March 2017

The Bolshevik's are coming!

Just wanted to share a quick post about what I've done recently.

After failing miserably painting those Copplestone Chinese troops (still only 1 painted), I though I would start anew and build up some paining mojo before diving back in (read, oh shiny, look). I have some Copplestone Red Russians in the desk at home that also need paint but I also have fewer so it's not as daunting.

I painted during my lunch break yesterday and the day before and managed to finish these four, minus the bases. They are supposed to be Trotsky's Red Train guards. I'm pretty chuffed about them to be honest.

Army Painter Pure Red Basecoat
Assorted Reaper, GW, and Vallejo paints
Army Painter Strong Shade

So, in 2 hours, I painted more Russians then a 6 month allotment for my Chinese. What did I learn?

I do like batch painting but need to focus on smaller numbers. With the Russians, I was doing groups of 4, while the Chinese were groups of 20.

What does that mean? Well, two hours got me 4 troops completed. Confidence, mojo, drive all increase fairly quickly. Changing colours often, not painting the same parts, over and over and over again in an hour keeps it fresh.

Doing larger groups is slower overall progress, and seems daunting. I felt no desire to "power through", just one more colour.

So hopefully, in the next month, I'll have these pesky Russians done and can resume with the Chinese.

Aaaand on a side note, Hotlead, Southwestern Ontario's premiere  war-gaming convention is this weekend. I am super excited.