Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Flag parties

I finished the various portions of the command elements yesterday.

The figures in peaked caps are my regular forces. The two in fur hats are my bandits. 

Each command section has 2 officers, a flagbearer and a bugler.

Each command section oversees 2x10 man squads and a machine gun.

I need a real break from Chinese but EVENTUALLY I plan on having 10x10 man squads. I currently have 5x10 man squads.

Monday, 29 October 2018

Cracking On

Just a short one today. Me and the boy got in a game last week when his school had a Professional Development (PD) Day.

The trees, river, ponds and embankments in the foreground are by BattleField In A Box

The hills I picked up for peanuts at Hotlead one year./

The buildings and stone walls are by Pegasus and the trenches are from 6Squared Studios.

There they are. The last 20 Chinese infantry. All painted and based. The 4 figures in the front row are going to be incorporated with my bandits. 

On the right are officers, standard bearers, buglers and a Machine gun crew who now have been partially based. Meaning I have 17 bandits and my Chinese force is finished.

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

2018 Army Painter

Lead Adventure Forum started another Army Painter challenge sometime in the spring. It is scheduled to be longer than the previous ones running 8-9 months instead of the usual 6.

I decided to make the push and complete my Warlord Chinese. The troopers are completed minus bases. I also painted some tanks and armoured cars.

I picked up two Rolls Royce armoured cars from Hotlead for $10/pair. They were new in package and RRP is $35USD. A definite bargain. 

I primed them Uniform Grey and painted the metal bits bolt gun metal and tires black. Some Army Painter quickshade and they were done. 

One of the machine guns was knocked off and lost. 

Here is the second A/C

I also painted a Renault FT-17 tank from Warlord Games. I had a coupon and it was a good price.

The primer got screwed up and left a gritty coating on about half the tank. Or maybe some grit blew into the wet primer. I don’t know.

Using tape, I sprayed on camouflage. It pays to be patient and leave all existing layers of tape.

Lastly I picked up a used Copplestone Castings Leichter Kampfwagen off of a LAF member.

I sprayed the camouflage onto it as well.

Lastly a group photo.

Hope you enjoy it.