Saturday, 30 January 2021

The Light Elves are finally done

Quick post today. 
I managed to put some texture paint on the bases of 27 light Elves a week+ ago. All that was left was the flock. 
I don’t want to say I found the time but more like decided to get off my but and base them.

Here are the all of the completed Light Elves. Need to get a picture with the “regular” Elven figures.

Saturday, 9 January 2021

Covid 19 gaming

It’s been a rough 10 months for everyone. 

I miss seeing family and friends and going to gaming conventions. I am fortunate enough to be an essential worker and my wife is able to work from home. We have been able to cancel our child care needs so are saving a bit of money in that regards.

I’m fortunate I have two sons who have been gaming with me for a few years now and are getting better at grasping technical games.

October: We played the now OOP Pocketmodels Pirates of the Caribbean game. Pirate, French and Spanish fleets took to the seas in a three way battle.

November: Zombicide season 1. My kids really like Black Plague so getting them to play the modern one was a struggle but they enjoyed it. 

In the Hall of the Mountain King. My buddy ordered it from Kickstarter and promptly gave it to me. Lol. We really enjoyed this one. The cascading mechanic is a very cool concept.

Eldest son got Risk: Europe. I don’t mean to brag (and I haven’t played a super serious game of Risk in over 10 years BUT I was a very good Risk player. 

This was very different but I enjoyed it. I lost. Waawaa.

Friday, 8 January 2021

Happy New Year!

Wow, I really lost track of the time there.

Things have been busy since August, hobby wise and in real life. 

Here’s a quick recap Of the hobby stuff:
( and built) 2 Aberdeen  class airships from Crossover Miniatures
16 French Foreigh Legion and  16 British Northwest Frontier from Artizan Designs (Christmas gift for myself from the family) for a VSF setting. 
Oathmark undead box and two metal blisters.
4 Tier one operators sets from Spectre (Christmas)
1500 3/8x3/4 foam bricks off of Etsy.
Ltd Edition GW Gamling on horseback.

Received the rest of my 28mm 101st Airborne from Karl at Kura Creative
Oathmark Goblin Wolf Riders (only rider figures) metal heroes and resin Ltd edition hero painted by Karl at Kura Creative.
I finished 30 Oathmark Elves, 10 light Elves, 4 hounds, 4 humans and one necromancer. 

Why did I purchase 1500 3/8x 3/4 inch foam blocks? I hear you ask. Because it’s cheaper than buying a Proxxon foam cutter and I’m not burning time cutting foam blocks. The reason is Jeremy from Black Magic Craft (YouTube) posted a dope video on modular rules that I wanted to try. The results will follow in a separate post.

The plan for 2021: Major Projects

Continue plugging away with Oathmark
I have to built, Prime and paint the 30 plastic and 6 metal Undead figures from Oathmark.
Finish painting 30 Dwarf heavy infantry.
Base 30-40 Dwarf Infantry and 30-40 Goblin Infantry.
Paint 21 Wolves (for the painted riders to ride)
Base 27 Light Elves.

VSF project
Finish assembly (on one) and paint both Aberdeen airships (other is primed). 
Paint 14 FFL and 16 British NWF using sweet contrast paint scheme found on YouTube
Purchase rank and file British troops ( 7 packs of 4 figures from Artizan). Paint  them. 

Star Wars Legion (or Chain of Command) this is my nice to get to 3rd project.
Assemble Count Dooku, Anakin, box of B1 Battle Droids (omg the pieces!), and Phase I clone troopers.
Purchase Clone Wars starter set.
Paint them all.

Minor Projects:
WWI terrain board - finish building both sections. Paint both. ( WTF is this really a “minor project?)
Have Karl finish painting my WWI Germans (under 50 figures-easy).
Have Karl finish painting my Wild West figures (under 50 figures-easy).
Foam brick terrain (about 750 have been made into terrain - needs to be mod podged and painted other 750 need texturing before building.

Would be nice Projects:
Try to finish painting my Frostgrave/Rangers of Shadow Deep, The Walking Dead All our War greyscale project ( purchase saviours and whisperers).
Tackle whatever GW lord of the rings I can (for the boy).
Stay away from anything new (looking at you  Stargrave).

Cheers and good luck to you on your Projects this year!