Sunday, 11 January 2015

Another boardgame night.

IYesterday I met with Will at Jamie and Vanessa's for what will probably be my last night out for the next few months (baby #2 is due in one month).

First we played Bang! The bullet. It went down with dramatic flair. An outlaw and the renegade were killed early, leaving the sheriff and remaining outlaw left to battle it out. The dynamite blew me up and the Sheriff won. 

Jamie had just gotten Xia: legends of a drift system off of amazon. We had both missed the Kickstarter campaign and heard about it though Dice Tower. We played a quick intro game to familiarize ourselves then launched into a 10 point game.

This games comes with painted miniatures to match each battle board. It uses Tetris like pieces inside the ship interiors to limit what you can carry. I have a decent engine (grey z piece) and a basic missile (yellow I piece) but couldn't fit blasters of a shield. The two purple cubes are cargo and I had two other (empty) cargo spaces remaining. 

Some pics from the game...

It started out with 4 tiles and as we explored, it began to sprawl...

This was the final map layout:

This is a sandbox style game. Basically you can do whatever you want. You can explore new territories, complete missions, buy and sell cargo, or go pirate and try to destroy other ships. There are also 3 NPC ships flying around. One is a merchant, one is and outlaw hunting good ships, one is an enforcer hunting outlaws.

All in all it was a great game an I can't wait to play more of it.

Lastly we finished off with Tsuro of the seas. It ended with me laying the tile that killed both my ship and Vanessa's. As you can see, it was quite the voyage.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Happy New Year!

Well, a lot went on near the end of 2014 and I (stupidly) didn't take many pics. I don't like posting without a pic but I haven't checked in lately...
1) sent some Gripping Beast Anglo-Danes to another member of LAF to paint. 4 points for SAGA.
2) received them and 1/2 were damaged in the transit. Probably due to cold temps in the cargo hold unsticking the glue.
3)picked up the YT-2400 x-wing release by Fantasy flight games.
4)picked up a boardgame called Bang! The Bullet edition
5)had a boardgame night where we played Bang! The Bullet, Tsuro of the Seas, Zombicide (1st time I lost :/ ), Dominion:Intrigue and Descent 2nd edition.
6) Christmas prezzies! Received the VT-49 Decimator x-wing expansion, 4 point Viking warband for SAGA, bondi command and Anglo Saxon command blisters all by Gripping Beast

My plan with the Bondi and Anglo Saxon commands are to simply provide extra models so I can use other rule sets like LOTR: SBG. Now to send them off to my painter...

I hope the New Year treats everyone well and I hope to be more productive in the hobby this year.