Tuesday, 28 January 2020


I’ve always loved fantasy skirmish and massed battle games. My journey began when as a 13 year old boy, I wandered into the Games Workshop at the Eaton Centre.

Over the years, I’ve branched away from GW and thus, fantasy. I’d even sold off most of the armies or factions that I had been collecting.

I moved into historical and pulp, moderns and sci-fi but I’ve always held a special place in my gaming heart for fantasy.

When Northstar started teasing Oathmark and the new plastic lines, something deep in the recess of my brain clicked. I modestly backed the first four Nickstarters, for one box of infantry each and that free metal figure.

Like all good hobby purchases, they sat, NIB on my hobby desk of shame for months. It wasn’t until the second round of releases started to be announced that I decided to get my act together.

I quickly build the Dwarves. I toyed around with several unit sizes and armaments. Without having the rules available, I was hesitant and settled on 10 each armed with bow, spear and hand weapons. The spear and hand weapon armed units each have a captain-y type figure and banner bearer as well.

I liked the variety available in each box and the poses. However two things about the dwarves was I did not like quickly popped up. I don’t like the pose of the shield arm. It looked odd, especially without the shield attached. But I suppose it does make sense for a shield wall. I also wasn’t fond of the head/neck joint. You can’t turn or tilt the head for variety/dynamics etc.

I built the Goblins in the same fashion. I liked this kit a lot better. But the head/neck joint was still bothersome.

The human faction was built the same. 10 each of bows, spears and swords. But I only made one captain and one banner bearer.

I was disappointed that I had no rule sets, no point values or weapon attributes to see what flavor I could add to the factions. But my plan was to always add a second box of each so I was confident that I would probably have a well-rounded force in the end.

Then came the Elves. I decided to throw it all on its head. I built 30 spear armed elves, in 3 units of 10. Each with a captain and a banner bearer. I also added helmet plumes on one to differentiate a type of royal guard.

Now, I know what some of you must be thinking, “Elves without bows?” The heresy. I know, I know. But whatever. My second box will balance that out along with the future light elves release.

Anyways, on to the pictures. And as always, excuse the poor photos. I really need to dust off that light box I built.

This is that versatility I was talking about. This photo is one box of Oathmark Human Infantry. For roughly $45.00 CDN I'd say the value here is excellent.

Here are the 10 swordsmen. I like most of the poses. I left the shields off during painting and attached them later. What I didn't realize is that some of the soldiers are literally hiding behind their shields. The figure with the axe (second from left in the rear row) is a prime example. I just need to stay cognizant of that in the future.

My plan for the banner bearer is kind of up in the air. I like the House Mormont sigil (Black Bear on a green field). But I don't want to fork out the $$ for several flags. I'll probably try my hand at making my own.

If you look closely at the rear row, only one figure is actually holding his arrow properly. I don't know what I was thinking at the time. Live and learn. I'm kind of embarrassed. I actually own a bow and have used it, but in my defense, it has been quite a while.

Once I get some games in these guys will be either super accurate or at least I'll have a good argument for why I can't roll dice to save my life. "They can't even hold their arrows correctly, how am I supposed to roll a 6?"

 Lastly the spearmen. Not much to see here aside from some high held shields. At least I'm consistent. I picked up a loose sprue on eBay so will be adding another rank, with a captain and banner bearer.

I "believe" light cavalry may be the next human release. I'd like to add another box set before then to bulk out the force.
Based on 2x 30 figures box sets and 1 5-figure sprue, my initial ideas are:
2x10 archers
2x15 spearmen
1x15 swordsmen

Alrighty. Well. It felt good to get a hobby post in. A lot has happened since last April. I guess I was just in a funk. Too busy to actually sit down and type out what I'd painted or played, bought or sold. Hopefully I can change that.

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