Friday, 7 February 2020

Oathmark Army Planner

This year I have decided to primarily focus my hobby efforts on my fantasy figures, namely Oathmark miniatures and a small smattering of Rangers of Shadow Deep.

I sold off all of my Warhammer figures in the last few years.

As I've mentioned before, I have plastic box sets for each of the major races.

I was apprehensive when it came to building the figures as I was nervous to commit to a specific build in the odd chance that the weapon type was too expensive or not effective.

Growing up with Warhammer, I'd check out an army book, create some sample lists, buy the figures and then build accordingly. It made sense to me.

However, with Oathmark, it’s a little different. The rules aren’t out yet. The figures are being slowly released.

On February 5, 2020, Osprey dropped a major bit of information. They released the Oathmark: Battles of the Lost Age - Army Planner, which is a PDF with dropdowns that can be selected that you can use to see the points costs of different units.


It took me a while to figure out how to open it but what an amazing guide. The only unknowns now are the differences between a King, Prince or General, Captains or Champions, or the 5 levels of spellcasters.

I decided to play around with the lists in the army planner.

Based on what I currently have for Goblins and what I plan on purchasing, I can field something like this:

Goblin King (Mounted)

Gobin Spellcaster Lvl 2(Mounted)

2x 10 Goblin Wolf Riders

Goblin Captain

Goblin Spellcaster (Lvl 3)

2x 15 Goblin Soldiers

2x 10 Goblin Archers

15 Goblin Spearmen

I won’t put the actual points per model but this force rings in at 1754 points.

All in all, it’s a fairly cost effective force. This is how I’m going to create the troops.

For the 65 Soldiers, Spearmen and Archers:

2 boxes of Goblin Infantry

1 additional sprue of Goblin Infantry (on ebay)

For the 20 Goblin Wolf Riders:

1 box of Goblin Wolf Riders

The 5 mounted metal champions or lord miniatures. You could just as easily grab a sprue off ebay once released.

The hero figures are the metal mounted shaman and foot shaman, the free maquette if you backed the nickstarter and the limited edition Uber wolf as the king.

This gives me some wiggle room to upgrade/downgrade the characters to play anywhere from 1500-2000 points or to add a few more things. 2x 10 wolves takes it 1994 points.

My Dwarves on the other hand will look something like this:

Dwarf King

Dwarf Spellcaster (Lvl3)

15 Dwarf Warriors

15 Dwarf Linebreakers

2x15 Soldiers

15 Spearmen

2x10 Archers

This force comes in at 1977 points. It’s even cheaper to purchase than the Goblins

For the 65 Soldiers, Spearmen and Archers:

2 boxes of Dwarf Infantry

1 additional sprue of Dwarf Infantry (on ebay)

The Warriors and Linebreakers come from 1 Dwarf Heavy Infantry box

The King and the Spellcaster both come from the King, Wizard and Musician blister pack.

I’ll share lists for my humans and elves later.

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