About two weeks ago, my Goblin Wolf Riders and Dwarf Heavy Infantry showed up. As part of the Nickstarter, I received a metal Champion and wolf for free. A week later my other five metal riders and plastic wolves arrived.
I must admit that I need to be in “the mood” to put together plastics. It is very time consuming and I’d rather spend my hobby time painting or playing games. That was one of the reasons I switched from GW to historicals.
I built 6 wolves the day they arrived and on Saturday evening, I powered through and built the remaining 15. I was in the mood.
What I liked: each wolf consists of two halves and a base. No finicky heads or tails to glue on separately.
What I disliked: There are only three poses. You cannot mix the left and right sides of the bodies together. The join line down the middle is unsightly and will require some greenstuff to cover.
My overall thoughts: I’d rather sacrifice the variety of figures for the ease of the build. These are a win.
I refrained from puttting any riders together as (ARGH) the torsos and chests are separate and the legs are annoyingly connected to the sprues.
However, I really was in the zone and I assembled 10 of the Dwarf Heavy Infantry.
The first 5 have hand weapons and shields with open faced helmets.
The remaining 5 have 2-handed weapons and closed face masks.
The other 20 figures will be divided into 10 more of each hand weapons/shields and 2-handed weapons.
What I liked: Nice poses, variety of weapons. Hand weapon + shield guys go together quick.
What I disliked: The 2-handed weapons support hand is finicky to get angle correctly. Depending on the angle of the 2-handed weapon, fitting the head can pose a problem.
Overall thoughts: Nice figures. Go together reasonably well. Looking forward to paint as they are predominately clad in metal armour. Think a simple paint job will yield awesome results.
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